Deal: 01304 615331 - Dover: 01304 374488 - Canterbury: 01227 784500 - Thanet: 01843 269960

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Commitment To Our Staff

Minters of Deal Removals is committed to: -

  • Providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Providing training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • Providing and maintaining safe equipment and safe procedures at work.
  • Consulting with employees on health and safety arrangements.
  • Providing risk assessments covering the company’s work activities.
  • Providing assessments detailing the safe storage, handling and disposal of hazardous substances, (COSHH).

We continually monitor the way we operate to ensure we minimise the health and safety risk to our employees and clients, ensuring that we provide a safe working environment for everyone.

Inside our office at Minters Of Deal, Sandwich & Canterbury